Yesterday marked the series finale of “Damages,” a show I’ve been following and really enjoyed for its well-crafted, fast-paced, and thrilling plots. The story revolves around a young woman fresh out of college who lands a job at a prestigious law firm, trying to survive under her tough boss, brilliantly played by Glenn Close.
Five seasons later, this young woman has started her own firm and taken on a major client, aiming for revenge in a trial against her former boss. However, she ultimately realizes that there’s more to life. She gives up her job and becomes a mother to a lovely little girl.
Back when I was in college, we were constantly told things like “you are the elite,” “don’t waste your degree,” and “you’re worth a lot, don’t let a second go to waste; go out there and conquer.” Now, ten years after graduation, I see that very few people from my class actually dove headfirst into that rat race. After graduating, I took a year off to travel the world, then settled in Guatemala for three years. The following year, five of my friends followed my example. Now that we’ve turned 30, many of us have left our jobs to pursue our true passions. One friend became a feng-shui expert, another studied psychology, and some of the girls decided to stay home and start families.
Are they happier now? Absolutely! Many of them were miserable in the early years. When they reached management levels, they ended up treating their interns the same way their bosses had treated them. Some fell into debt and can’t leave their jobs because of fear of foreclosure. I spoke with a classmate recently and he mentioned that almost all his coworkers are having affairs, trying to cope, escape their lives, and feel important to someone. It was really sad to hear.
I’ve never compared myself to my friends because my life has been so different—it wouldn’t even make sense to do so. Plus, what’s the point if I’m happy with my own life? But when I look at the numbers, it’s surprising. Despite spending the last three years traveling and writing travel blogs, I have more savings, investments, and a higher net worth. Crazy, right?
Watching “Damages” made me reflect on all this. I’m grateful that I never got sucked into the rat race and chose to live the life I truly wanted for myself.
What about you? Are you living the life you want? Are you taking steps to reach your goals?